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St. John Cantius Parish
Volunteer Ministry Opportunities

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Liturgical Ministries

  • ___ Mass Server. Open to those who have made their First Communion. Serves weekend Mass on a rotating schedule.

  • ___ Sacristan. Sets up for weekend Mass on a rotating basis.

  • ___ Lector. Proclaim the Word of the Lord at weekend Masses on a rotating schedule. May also volunteer at Daily Mass. Open to ages 16 and above who are proficient readers.

  • ___ Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist. Assists in distributing Communion during weekend Masses on a rotating schedule. May also volunteer at daily Mass. Open to ages 16 and above.

  • ___ Usher. Assists with seating; arranges for volunteers to bring up the gifts; takes up collection; distributes Bulletin at end of Mass.

  • ___ Adult Choir. Open to men and women age 16 and over. Rehearses

       3 Thursdays per month and sings 3 Sundays per month, usually at 10:30 a.m.

       Mass. Also sings for Christmas, Holy Week and other liturgies as needed,

       plus 2 televised Masses and Confirmation.

  • ___ Youth Choir. Open to youth of parish, grade 7 and up. Rehearses once a

       month, usually on the Saturday before they sing. Sing 3rd Sunday of the

       month at 10:30 a.m. Mass. Guitar, keyboard and drum players also welcome.

  • ___ Children’s Choir. Open to boys and girls grades 1-6. Rehearses two

       Thursdays per month at St. Anthony’s. Sings one Saturday at 4:30 p.m. Mass

       or one Sunday at 9:15 a.m. Mass per month at St. Anthony’s. Also sings

       Christmas Eve plus 2 televised Masses.


Organizations and Committees

  • ___ Rosary Sodality. Meets approximately quarterly. Members pray the Rosary for specific intentions. The group serves funeral dinners, sponsors the Prayer Chain, and supports various ministries.

  • ___ Legion of Mary. Performs various ministries, such as visits to new parishioners, nursing homes, and other works of service. Work is typically done in pairs.

  • ___ Parish Life Committee. Plans social events for the parish, for example, “Chili and Chat,” Lenten soup suppers, ice cream social and volunteer dinner. Volunteers are needed to cook, clean serve and decorate.

  • ___ Youth Group. Activities are generally planned in conjunction with other parishes in the cluster.

  • ___ Parish Pastoral Council. Members are elected each spring for rotating three-year terms.

  • ___ Parish Planning. Serve on committee as needed to address parish planning issues as requested by the Parish Council or the diocese.


Direct Service

  • ___ Parish Nurse. Promotes health and wellness of mind, body and spirit integrated with spirituality and religion through visits to persons in need. Does not provide hands-on care.

  • ___ Funeral Dinners. Serves funeral dinners as needed. Members prepare food items such as salads or desserts.

  • ___ Food Shelf Volunteer. Help clients of Catholic Charities Food Shelf with food selections. Parish provides volunteers approximately two months per year.

  • ___ Prayer Chain. Offers prayers as requested to people in need. Members are expected to call the assigned person in the chain as requested.

  • ___ Services to Elderly. Service opportunity for youth or confirmation candidates. Escort elderly to and from their cars at weekly Mass or parish events.

  • ___ Neighborhood projects. Assist with community projects to improve the St. John Cantius parish neighborhood.


Copyright © 2021  St John Cantius Church - St Cloud MN

Easter Choir 2021.jpg

Visit Us

St. John Cantius Church

1515 North 3rd St

St. Cloud, MN  56303-4517


Contact the Parish Office



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